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Entropion is an abnormality of the eye in which the eyelid turns inwards. This may cause a number of eye issues for your pet including corneal ulcers, perforations, and infections. Entropion can also be quite uncomfortable or painful for your pet as their fur and eyelashes will rub the surface of their eye. Our handy guide will help you to understand the causes, symptoms and treatment of Entropion so that you know what to look out for.

What is Entropion

Entropion is when your pet’s eyelid rolls in on itself. This can be very painful as their eyelashes and fur will irritate and damage the surface of the eye over time.

Often, Entropion can be caused by the shape of the face, age and any chronic skin conditions. Some dog breeds are simply genetically predisposed and have a higher risk of developing Entropion. These breeds include:

st. bernards

Saint Bernards

English Bulldog




Great Danes


Bull Mastiffs

Entropion may also develop in older animals (see photo below) or as a symptom of other eye conditions, trauma and neurological disorders. If this is the case, treatment for the primary condition may also treat the Entropion.

Signs of Entropion


If your dog has Entropion, they may develop a mucus-like discharge from the eye.

Excessive or Abnormal tearing, Blinking and Twitching

A dog with Entropion may tear excessively from the affected eye and blink more often than usual. They may also be sensitive to light and the affected eye may spasm or twitch abnormally. Excessive tearing can cause the skin and hair surrounding the eye to become moist and event become infected.

Squinting or Closing their Eyes

A dog with Entropion will likely squint or close their eyes abnormally to stop their eyelashes and fur from rubbing the surface of their eyes. If you have ever got sand in your eye, you’ll know how they feel!

Red, Swollen Eyes

The white of your dog’s eye may appear red with Entropion and the general eye area may swell.

Recurring Eye Infections

Inflammation caused by hair rubbing on the eye can lead to infection (bacterial conjunctivitis). This in itself is sore and will need treatment alongside the cause of entropion.

Corneal Ulcers

Trauma caused by hair rubbing on the clear cornea can lead to ulcers. Sometimes these are superficial and do not heal as expected, in some patients they can become very deep or even cause rupture of the eye.

Treatments for Entroprian

Entropion can be caused by other eye conditions (Secondary Entropion). Sometimes, treatment for those conditions may treat or alleviate the symptoms of the Entropion. Similarly, in milder cases, topical eye drops may alleviate the discomfort that your dog experiences and could reverse the Entropion.

More severe cases of Primary Entropion will usually require surgery. The exact operation will depend on how severe the condition is, however most patients will be in and out in one day.

In puppies, small temporary stitches can be used, but adult dogs may require the removal of a small piece of skin under general anaesthesia. Your dog will most likely leave with small self-dissolving stitches to help the skin heal correctly and will be booked in for a postoperative examination around a month later.

If you think that your dog has Entropion, contact Knutsford Vets as soon as possible for an examination. Call us on 01565 337999.

When to Contact Knutsford Vets

Contact Knutsford Vets as soon as you notice any of the above symptoms of Entropion. Left untreated, your dog or cat will likely be in pain and may become blind.

If you think that your dog has Entropion, call Knutsford Vets immediately on 01565 337999.

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