A variety of clinics for your pet’s health
Our nurses are a vital part of our veterinary team and the services we offer. We have a team of registered veterinary nurses who have trained to the high standards set out by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. We are also a registered training practice and committed to the education and development of high standard nurses.
Comprehensive nurse clinics from Knutsford Vets
Not only do our nurses provide excellent inpatient care, anaesthesia, surgical preparation and in house laboratory testing, they also offer a number of nurse clinics.
Dental Clinic
Preventative dental care clinics to discuss tooth brushing, monitoring and dental diets. Our nurses will take the time to provide education on how to brush your pets teeth and make it enjoyable for both of you!
Worm and Flea Treatment
Our nurses can dispense and administer suitable worming and flea treatments once your pet is registered by the practice and has received a health check by one of our vets.
From puppies and kittens and our small furries to pets with specific health conditions or our geriatric patients, nutrition is a vital part of their health care. All of our nurses have extensive knowledge on the requirements of each of our pets at different life stages.
Weight Management
We love our pets so much that sometimes we can over indulge them. Sadly if left unchecked this can rapidly cause your pet to become overweight. Excessive weight puts pressure on the joints and heart pump and it can seriously reduce your pet’s quality of life.
At Knutsford Veterinary Surgery we understand how difficult it can be to recognise when an animal is overweight and even harder to help them to lose it, fortunately our team of nurses have the tricks of the trade and can soon help you and your pet!
Geriatric Support
Sadly ageing is a natural process but it is vital to keep our older pets as fit, active and healthy as possible, our nurses run clinics designed to help your older pet get everything they need.
Vets in Cheshire
Find out more about our clinics, including a timetable and to book an appointment by contacting the surgery on (phone number).