Pododermatitis in Dogs

What is Pododermatitis in Dogs? Pododermatitis in Dogs, also known as Canine Pedal Furunculosis, is a term used to describe inflammation that affects the skin of the feet in dogs. The condition often causes swollen, red, itchy feet, which can become painful over time, and in severe cases, can result in dogs becoming lame.  Pododermatitis […]

Otitis in Dogs and Cats

What is Otitis in Dogs and Cats? Otitis is an all encompassing term for  ear disease in cats and dogs, which can be  caused by parasites, foreign bodies (like grass seeds) and allergic skin disease,  which results in Inflammation of both the skin of the ear flap and also the skin lining the ear canals. […]

Cutaneous Vasculitis

What is Cutaneous Vasculitis? Cutaneous Vasculitis is not a disease in its own right, rather it is seen as a reaction pattern in the skin. In cats and dogs, the term is commonly used to refer to a variety of skin conditions that are caused by a fast increase in white blood cells (a key […]

Anal Furunculosis in Dogs

What is Anal Furunculosis in Dogs? Canine Anal Furunculosis is a chronic, inflammatory disease that results in ulceration of the perianal tissues, and progressive development of sinus tracts around the circumference of the anus. This is an intensely painful condition for dogs, and is often accompanied by both straining and crying out when defecating, persistent […]

Heatstroke in Pets

Everything You Need to Know About Heatstroke in Pets We understand that when the weather is nice, you might want to get out and about with your pets, and make the most of the sunshine. But, when doing this, it’s important to remember that pets handle the heat differently to humans. As such, it is […]

How Do I Know if My Pet Has a Skin Infection?

Skin Infections in Pets Symptoms such as itching, redness, pustules, hair loss and odour can be very troublesome for pets and owners alike. But, when you’re not an expert, it can be difficult to know what the cause of the problem is, and if you need to be concerned. In this article, we discuss skin […]

What Does Acupuncture Do for Dogs and Cats?

What Does Acupuncture Do for Dogs and Cats Acupuncture is increasingly recognised as a useful complement to more traditional medical or surgical approaches in veterinary and human medicine. In this article we discuss the benefits of acupuncture for dogs and cats, its safety, side effects, and how to book an appointment.   What does acupuncture […]

How to Get Your Dog Used to Staying at Home Alone

Get Your Dog Used to Staying at Home Alone If you’ve bought a new puppy since 2020, you are in good company – over 3.2 million households have taken on a new pet since Covid-19 hit and lockdown restrictions were in place.  Spending more time at home has probably meant you have built a very […]

How to Tell If The Lumps On Your Dog Are Cancerous

Cancerous lump in dogs

How to Tell If The Lumps On Your Dog Are Cancerous   As with humans, dogs also get cancer, particularly as they get older. However, it can be difficult to know if a lump or bump is a tumour, or if it is attributed to another health problem. Likewise, without medical attention, it can be […]