Dry Eye in Dogs

Dogs’ eyes connect them to the world. They help them bond with other dogs and humans, and ensure they have the confidence to navigate their environment. From time to time, they might experience issues and ailments that can impact their eye health. One such issue is keratoconjunctivitis sicca, also known as dry eye. In this […]
Build a Bonfire Night Hideaway

Ease firework related anxiety by building a den With Bonfire Night fast approaching, it’s important that pet owners are prepared. If you’ve seen our comprehensive guide to keeping your pet calm, you’ll know that one of the things we recommend is building a hideaway where your pet feels comfortable. The perfect hideaway will consist of […]
How to Keep Your Pets Calm on Bonfire Night

A comprehensive guide to help ease fear and anxiety Firework season is fast approaching – a time of year that many pet owners fear. The PDSA quoted that up to 40% of pet owners report that their pets are afraid of fireworks. Luckily, with the correct preparations, you can help keep your pet calm and […]
Why is my dog’s eye weeping?

We analyse the potential causes in our latest blog If you notice that your dog’s eye is weeping then it could be caused by a medical condition affecting their eyes. A weeping eye can take many forms, sometimes it may appear as a clear discharge, whilst other times it may be coloured or gloopy. Knutsford […]
Can worms cause my dog to itch?

We take a look at the symptoms of worms in dogs Worms in dogs can be incredibly uncomfortable, causing a wide range of symptoms. In this article we look at the symptoms of worms, what could be causing your dog to itch and answer the question of whether worms can make your dog itchy. Our […]
What Could be causing my dog to itch?
From allergies to underlying health complications Seeing or hearing your dog itching constantly is never nice for pet owners. It’s hard to know straight away what’s causing the itching, how severe it is and whether they have any other symptoms. Persistent itchiness in dogs is something we see regularly here at Knutsford Vets and it […]
Male Dog Castration – Your Questions Answered

Information on the science behind the procedure Following on from our article last month about bitch neutering, we take a look into some of the questions that we get asked about male dog castration. We’ve delved into a number of veterinary resources and taken a look at the science behind the procedure that will help […]
Bitch Neutering – Your Questions Answered

A look at the science behind the procedure We get asked a lot of questions about dog neutering here at Knutsford Veterinary Surgery and many pet owners are keen to know more about the procedure and its benefits. In this article we delve into some scientific research to answer some of the most common questions […]
What Is Uveitis and How is it Treated?

Uveitis is an eye condition in cats and dogs, and can be caused by underlying health issues both in the eye and elsewhere in the body. The condition can be diagnosed through a full investigation of the eye alongside a more thorough examination of your pet’s overall health. If you have concerns for your pet […]