How Do I Know if My Pet Has a Skin Infection?

Skin Infections in Pets Symptoms such as itching, redness, pustules, hair loss and odour can be very troublesome for pets and owners alike. But, when you’re not an expert, it can be difficult to know what the cause of the problem is, and if you need to be concerned. In this article, we discuss skin […]
How to Reduce Itching in Pets with Skin Allergies

How to Reduce Itching in Pets with Skin Allergies A pet with skin allergies can be quite concerning when you see them itching their skin all the time, but what can you do about it? Is there something you can do to reduce how much they itch? In this article, we cover ways to help […]
Why Does My Dog Have Flaky Skin?

Why does my dog have flaky skin? In general, dogs are clean animals who take pride in looking after their coat. Because of this, if you notice that your dog has dry flaky skin or dandruff, chances are there is an underlying problem that you should try and get to the root of. There are […]
Why does my cat have bald patches?

We look at this common skin issue in cats Cats take good care of their fur, that’s why any hair loss can be easily noticed by owners and can rightly be a cause for concern. Bald patches on cats are however fairly common, but they may be caused by any number of conditions – sometimes […]