Does my Dog Have a Parasite?

Does my Dog Have a Parasite? At some point in their life, your dog may experience the discomfort caused by parasites. Some parasites such as ticks and fleas are fairly easy to spot, but what about those that are internal and not so easy to diagnose? It is important to know about these parasites and […]
Why is my dog losing weight?

Why is my dog losing weight? As with any animal, it is important that your dog maintains a healthy weight to give them the best chance of living a long and healthy life. Noticing that your dog is losing weight can be alarming and worrying, and trying to find out why they are losing weight […]
Why Does My Dog Have Flaky Skin?

Why does my dog have flaky skin? In general, dogs are clean animals who take pride in looking after their coat. Because of this, if you notice that your dog has dry flaky skin or dandruff, chances are there is an underlying problem that you should try and get to the root of. There are […]
Why do dogs bark?

Why do dogs bark? Dogs come in all shapes, sizes and unique personalities – but one thing they all have in common is that they all bark. And any owner who has had a dog who likes to bark frequently (and loudly) will have found themselves wondering what is causing them to make all that […]
Does my dog need a kennel cough vaccine?

You would be forgiven for thinking that only dogs who stay in kennels are at risk of catching kennel cough. Whilst kennels certainly provide an ideal environment for the disease to spread, any dog who comes into contact with other dogs is susceptible to contracting kennel cough and may benefit from a preventative vaccine. […]
When does my puppy need its vaccinations?

Getting a new puppy is one of the most exciting things that happens in any dog-lovers life. Amongst all the playing, training and cuddling that goes on in those first weeks and months, it can be easy to forget the less fun (but vitally important) aspects of owning a puppy. Vaccinations are an effective way […]
Can Dogs Get Hayfever?

Useful advice during high pollen season The warmer weather in the spring and summer often brings about higher pollen counts and hay fever for many humans, causing inconvenience and discomfort. Around one in five people in the UK are affected by hay fever, but can dogs get hay fever too? The answer to that […]
Pet Weight Loss: Why does your pet’s weight matter?

Everything you need to know to get your pet to a healthy weight Healthy eating is a priority for many in January and here at Knutsford Vets, we’re encouraging owners to think the same for their pet. Your pet’s weight and diet is highly important for them to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to keep […]
Christmas Dangers for Pets

Ensuring a Happy Christmas for pets and owners Christmas is a time for giving, but when it comes to pets you have to be very careful to ensure they remain safe. We know dogs for example want to eat pretty much anything. Dogs and Christmas foods don’t always mix well. You can never be too […]