Cheshire vets advice: when is the best time to get my cat neutered?

cat neutering in cheshire

Cat neutering advice from your Cheshire vets

Unless you are a certified and responsible breeder then cat neutering is essential. Cats can reach sexual maturity from 5-6 months of age, which can cause several problems if they are not spayed or neutered at the right time.

Best time for cat neutering in Cheshire

In most cases, it is usually best to get a male cat neutered by the time they reach six months old.

This is part of the attempt to keep the population of cats down, but it also has a lot to do with their behaviour. It also helps prevent against spraying, wandering (with the increased risk of being hit by a car) and fighting with other cats.

What happens if I don’t get my male cat neutered?

Failing to get a male cat neutered can lead to a range of problems:

  • They can become a nuisance and start fighting with other cats in the area. They might also start spraying to mark their territory, which can have a thoroughly unpleasant smell.
  • As a result of fighting with other cats, they can end up with injuries that can become infected. Diseases like FIV are also more likely to spread among cats that are fighting.
  • The cat might start straying a long way from home, which increases the chances of it being involved in a road traffic accident.
  • Because cats often stray a lot further from home when left entire, there is also the risk that they may never return.
  • A cat that hasn’t been neutered might also start spraying inside the home and start being uncharacteristically aggressive towards their owners.

Book your cat’s neutering appointment with your vets in Cheshire

Knutsford Vets in Cheshire offer a neutering service, whilst we’ll also be able to advise you on the appropriate time to get your cat neutered. If you’re concerned about how your cat will behave if it doesn’t get neutered soon, then get in touch with us soon and book an appointment or view the range of information on cat neutering across the site.

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