Bonfire Night: Advice from your vets in Cheshire

For a lot of pets and their owners bonfire night and the week around it is a stressful occasion. It is estimated that somewhere between 45-70% of cats and dogs are afraid of fireworks and of those, one in ten will require veterinary treatment as a result. However, there are a number of things that […]

Lyme disease in dogs

Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi. It is transmitted via ticks and therefore cannot be passed directly from pet to human. Places such as Tatton Park are at greater risk Ticks are found in a wide range of environments, including gardens. Their numbers tend to be greater in areas such as […]

Help, my dog’s not quite right…. Heart Disease

We frequently know when our furry friends are not quite themselves; the difficulty is not being able to ask why – are they painful, do they feel sick, do they have a fever? Often, much like ourselves, dogs and cats may pick up viruses or eat something that disagrees with them, which results in a […]

Dog Vaccinations

Learn more about dog vaccinations from Knutsford Veterinary Surgery Vaccinations for dogs, much like for humans, can prevent pain, distress and fatalities caused by disease. In many areas of the country, as a result of responsible ownership, we rarely see cases of parvovirus, distemper, infectious canine hepatitis and leptospirosis but they are still rife in […]

Common Poisons in Pets

The home is a potential minefield of poisons that can affect our furry friends, many of which can be toxic in even small doses. Food can be dropped, bins raided or plants nibbled by inquisitive pets, so knowing your tricks from your treats is important. Common poisons in pets include: Chocolate poisoning can cause an […]